APCO’s Smart Neighborhood is located in Birmingham, AL and is comprised of 62 advanced homes featuring 35% more energy efficiencies…
Investments in the transmission power grid for utilities in the US nearly exceeded $21 Billion in 2016 and continue to…
TVA CEO, Bill Johnson, explains that MLGW is performing “the riskiest decision the city-owned utility could do.”
BEWARE! Stuxnet, Mirai, WannaCry have been found on ICS USB drives! https://www.zdnet.com/article/almost-half-of-usb-drives-in-industrial-settings-pose-severe-security-risk/
This is a basic explanation and summary of how the electric power grid works – by Matt Cole with 3…
Is Your Legacy SCADA System Secure? by Matt Cole, 3 Phase Associates, LLC SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and…
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