NextEra is Buying San Francisco Trans Bay Cable for $1 Billion

NextEra will purchase the 53-mile underwater transmission cable that helps power San Francisco from Trans Bay Cable from Steel River Infrastructure…

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Alabama Power Builds its First Energy Efficient and Smart Neighborhood

APCO’s Smart Neighborhood is located in Birmingham, AL and is comprised of 62 advanced homes featuring 35% more energy efficiencies…

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USDA Provides $1.6 Billion in Loans for Rural Electric Cooperatives to Improve Grid Resiliency

The Department of Agriculture will deliver loans to Electric Cooperatives in 24 states for $1.6 billion in order to increase…

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North Carolina Utilities Commission Approves the Dominion Energy – SCANA/SCE&G Merger!

This combination will provide the larger utility with nearly 94,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines, 6.5 million regulated customers…

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AEP to spend $33 Billion in T&D Upgrades with Renewable Generation Included

AEP will be investing $33 billion in capital expenditures over the next 5 years on T&D Upgrades and Renewable Generation…

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Will MLGW Trade Cost for Reliability in leaving TVA?

TVA CEO, Bill Johnson, explains that MLGW is performing “the riskiest decision the city-owned utility could do.”

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DOE Exercises Electrical Grid’s Resiliency Against Cyberattacks

Beginning on Nov. 1, the U.S. Department of Energy will run the Liberty Eclipse exercise to test the electrical grid‘s…

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Stuxnet, Mirai, WannaCry found on ICS USB drives

BEWARE! Stuxnet, Mirai, WannaCry have been found on ICS USB drives!

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Looking Forward to MIPSYCON (Nov 6-8)

Looking forward to Minnesota’s Power Systems Conference at the Saint Paul River Centre – November 6-8.

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3 Phase is a Certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE)

3 Phase recently received its company diversity certification for a Small Business Enterprise (SBE) classification. 3 Phase has also been awarded…

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The Importance of Protection & Controls (P&C) and IEDs

Protection & Controls (P&C) Engineering Protection & Controls (P&C) engineering is a division of electrical power engineering that deals with…

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FERC Approves New NERC Standards Affecting Supply Chain Risk

FERC approves new NERC standards relating to FERC Order No. 829 in response to Supply Chain Risk Management of Bulk…

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